Tom Brady Net Worth Biography

Tom Brady Net Worth Biography

Tom Brady was born on 3 August 1997 in San Mateo, California, U.S

Tom Brady was born on 3 August 1997 in San Mateo, California, U.S

Tom Brady's full name is Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr.

Tom Brady's full name is Thomas Edward Patrick Brady Jr.

Tom Brady studied in Junípero Serra High School in San Mateo

Tom Brady studied in Junípero Serra High School in San Mateo

Tom played college football at the University of Michigan from 1995 to 1999

Tom played college football at the University of Michigan from 1995 to 1999

Tom Brady began his professional career with  2000 NFL Draft

Tom Brady began his professional career with  2000 NFL Draft

Tom won various awards & honors including 7x Super Bowl Champion, 1997 National Champion, 3x Best NFL Player, etc.

Tom Brady's net worth is $242 million

Tom Brady's net worth is $242 million

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